In this department we develop online catalogues and products that are essential in assisting technologies for librarians. We also provide professional support to libraries in the field of catalogue classification and indexing. We continuously update the Israeli Catalogue that consists of over 110,000 entities in classic literature, children's books, and non-fiction – all in the Hebrew language. Each year over 3,000 new books are registered in the catalogue including scanning of book covers and summaries. Our team of experts sort each book based on the global catalogue rule in which the book is classified under a subject according to the Thesaurus that was developed by the ICL center. All library software can be used with the catalogue and the library customers can use the catalogue freely and easily. Since the catalogue is free of charge for the public visiting the libraries they can catch up on the latest books that have been catalogued, they can browse the book back and front covers, see the books abstract, create personal query in different fields of interest and save it all in their private area.
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